Medicine On Time

McCARTHY’S PHARMACY is pleased to introduce to our Long Term Care customers...

The Medicine-On-Time® Personal Prescription System

Welcome to a new pain free medication distribution system. Medicine-On-Time is a unique form of packaging for medications.

The basic building block of Medicine-On-Time is the “time specific” dosage cup. The standard size cup may contain up to six medications for a single administration time. The high capacity cup may contain up to twelve medications for a single administration time. Each cup is sealed and labeled with three things: the patient’s name, administration time and the dosage cup’s content.

Dosage cups are packaged by your pharmacist in color coded calendar frames. These reusable frames are prepared in a monthly format and each color designates a specific hour of administration.

The Medicine-On-Time system is of great benefit. Not only has it drastically reduced potential medication errors, it also reduces the amount of time required to set-up a med pass. This in return allows the staff to better utilize their time to concentrate on other tasks within the facility.

Our pharmacy’s goal is to improve the quality of care received by each of your residents while simultaneously reducing the amount of staff time required to achieve this goal.